Newcomer Wraparound Support Program
Provides wraparound case management services to the most vulnerable newcomers.

Program Eligibility:
Permanent Residents of Canada, Protected Persons, Conventional Refugees.
Program Description:
Newcomer Wraparound Support Program is funded by Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) and is designed to support newcomers facing overwhelming or complex barriers towards settlement and integration in greater Victoria.
Services are provided through individual, family and/or group setting. We provide personalized, holistic settlement support for newcomers by creating individualized life plans and providing information and referral services to various community partners and resources.
Please submit the form below or
contact for more information.
Newcomer Wraparound Support Program Partners with Next Stop Canada

The Newcomer Wraparound Support Program has partnered with the Next Stop Canada program delivered by the YMCA of Greater Toronto. Next Stop Canada is a pre-arrival program that provides settlement information, support, and free online services to those with IRCC approval to come to Canada. To view the informational blog about the NWSP’s approach, or to find more information about the YMCA programs, visit the Next Stop website or click the link below: