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General Job Boards - Finding Jobs in Canada
Google Jobs
Collected jobs from various job boards and displays them all in one place. Just go to Google Search search for the job you want in Victoria and look for the light blue heading that says "Jobs.
More Specific Job Boards
Surviving a Job in Canada
Other Useful Resources
Vancouver Island Counselling Centre for Immigrants & Refugees (VICCIR)
Volunteer Victoria
Getting Canadian Work Experience
Related/Alternative Careers by Industry
This resource will help you to find jobs that are related to a given career. This may help if you want related experience that will help you move toward your dream job. For example, if you want to be an architect, but are not yet licensed to do this, there might be other jobs you could do that will expose you to similar type of work, where you can gain relevant experience and meet people who can help you with advice and training.
Coping with loneliness in Canada
Skilled Immigrant Info Center
Remote Work Oppourtunities